Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Water, water, water!! Just 64 oz a day? No problem.

ever hear that you should have at least eight 8-oz glasses of water a day? [seriously? 8 right next to 8? figured it would be clearer to spell one of the eights rather than write out "8 8-oz glasses." i think i made the right choice. please carry on with your blog reading pleasure.] some people swear by it, and some say it is bunk. all i know is that i'd rather have 8 glasses of water a day and have to go to the bathroom all day rather than have chapped lips and cottonmouth!

as bootcampers, we are especially susceptible to dehydration. please feel free to use the google to find out all the good and bad things about drinking 8 glasses of water a day. is it just an urban myth? please comment or post links so we can all be properly informed. here is one link i found that has tips for getting to your 8 glasses of water a day and some other information:

just one quick tip, don't get too overzealous and drink 128 ounces of water (16 cups). i have done it several times and it always resulted in severe headaches. apparently it has something to do with electrolytes being imbalanced. i could be totally wrong on that so please call me out on it. the comments section here and in Facebook are ready for you to fill in and set me straight=)

just one more quick tip, don't down a liter at 9pm just to make your quota because it is not fun waking up at 2am to use the bathroom!

last but not least, see the pictures below. i think it's easier to get to my 64 ounces a day if i can picture what i'm up against. if you can do it at work or on the road without anyone looking at you funny or thinking you are a lush, i highly recommend attempting the 43 shots of water throughout the day!

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